Friday, February 27, 2015

Mũi Né_part 1_or "haven't we left Russia?" (6)

Hello again, my faithful readers!

As I promised - this post will be devoted to the place called Mũi Né, here you can see where it is situated:

Mũi Né is situated between Phan Thiết (town) and Mũi Né (the fishing village) and it is closer to the fishing village so it got its name from it. It is quite confusing, I know.
So, Mũi Né, the resort place where we stayed, is a little village itself, which strongly reminded me of all the Russian resort places I have visited, mostly because there are so many... well... Russians there. I am not sure about the statistics but my rough estimate is that 70% of Mũi Né population are Russians, and other 30% are Vietnamese who can speak some Russian, in order to have business with them. 

There are all kinds of agencies, shops, spa salons, restaurants, bars etc which were opened by local Russians:

Almost every restaurant has a Russian menu:

Mũi Né has only one street - Nguyễn Đình Chiểu:

Mũi Né is really popular with kitesurfers, the waves are amazing, but not as amazing for usual surfers, or so it seems... Anyway, the best time to "catch a wave" is from November to April: 

In spite of the wind, it is really hot here, so I decided to choose a hat for myself:

The winner is:

All the shopping made me tired:

And hungry. It is South East Asia, so there are lots and lots of weird-looking-but-tasty-anyway fruits (beside a melon-shaped watermelon you can see three kinds of apples).

And I enjoy other food too:

Just trying to stay fit after all those yammies: (Sasha is there for safety purposes only)

Went for a bicycle ride with S and K to see the stars (I am shooting):

Stay tuned to learn more about our hedgehog adventures!

Hello, MTV and welcome to my crib:

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