Thursday, February 5, 2015

Life changing post. (1)

Hello, everyone and welcome to my blog.

My name is Artyom, the hedgehog.

And today we will be discussing life itself, can you imagine that? Me, humble stuffed animal will be having a grown up talk about such a serious matter.

And first of all I want to ask you a question - don't you feel kind of suffocated? Like you do something but you can't see the actual purpose of it. You work, most probably only for money to sustain your healthy being. But what then? Do you see yourself as a happy person? Can you honestly tell me that you lead a fulfilling life? 

Some words about your humble servant, till quite recentIy I worked as a manager in a sphere connected with distributing apples. The ordinary office job which is most likely looks exactly like yours - hours of typing away at computer keyboard - giving orders, dealing with problems, talking to existing clients, attracting new ones, chatting with colleagues near coffee machine or water cooler and a lunch which you bring in a cute plastic container and heat up in a microwave (of course if you don't  earn enough to afford yourself a nice business lunch at a nearest cafĂ©). You see - ROUTINE.

As you may see - I got kind of tired of all this and that is why I decided to stop complaining to everyone and start doing something already.

My solution was quite simple - quit work and preferably go far far away.

I was born in a little place called Hedge End, in Hampshire, England, but my parents moved to Moscow, Russia when I turned 2 y.o. 

So, my trip was to start from Moscow but where to? My fate was decided by spinning globe and strong love for conical hats - I chose Viet Nam. 

Stay tuned if you are interested in my travels...

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